I Gotta Feel You in My Bones Again

Personal Best

<b> THE RIDE </b> Bikers pedal along a road in Warren, Vt. In a cycling accident, the sudden loss of control can affect a rider's response, one risk expert says.

Credit... Caleb Kenna for The New York Times

I crashed on my bike on Oct. three and broke my collarbone, an experience and so horrific that my kickoff impulse was to say I would never ride on the road again.

Turns out I am not alone.

"Well, you've joined the proud majority of serious cyclists who've busted a collarbone," said Rob Coppolillo, a competitive cyclist in Boulder, Colo., who too leads rock- and water ice-climbing expeditions and is a function-fourth dimension ski guide.

I've since heard from other cyclists who bankrupt bones or were badly bruised and shaken upwardly in crashes. Many say they, also, vowed, at least initially, never to ride outside again. It's not a universal response, just it is so common that cyclists nod their heads when they hear my reaction to my injury.

Withal most no 1 swears off running after an injury, even though — and I speak from feel — a running injury can keep you abroad from your sport at least as long. And that made me wonder: is a cycling injury qualitatively different from a running injury? Is it the drama of a crash, or is information technology that a crash makes you lot realize yous could actually exist killed on a wheel? Is it the blazon of injury? Or the fact that you lot tin can feel, as I did, that the accident was unfair and out of your control?

Risk-assessment experts say that it is all of the to a higher place, and that the way nosotros respond to various sports injuries reveals a lot about how we assess risks.

My crash came 8.nine miles into a 100-mile ride (of course I knew the altitude, because of course I was watching my cycle computer). My friend Jen Davis was taking a plough leading; my husband, Bill, was drafting — riding close backside her. I was drafting Bill when a slower rider meandered into his path. Bill swerved and I hitting his bicycle. Down I went.

The starting time matter I did when I hit the ground was plow off my stopwatch — I did not want accident time to count toward our riding fourth dimension. Then I sat on a curb, dazed. My head had hit the road, only my helmet saved me. My left thigh was and so bruised it was hard to walk. Worst of all was a searing hurting in my left shoulder. I could hardly move my arm. But since it hurt whether I rode or not, I decided, like an idiot, to finish the ride.

The next day I went to a md and learned, to my stupor, that my collarbone was broken. Running is my sport, I thought, and no ride is worth this.

I remembered what Michael Berry, an exercise physiologist at Wake Forest Academy, once told me. With cycling, he said, it's not if y'all crash, it's when. He should know. He's a competitive cyclist whose commencement serious injury — a cleaved hip — happened when he crashed taking a sharp turn riding down a mount road.

And so, last June, he was warming upward for a race when he hit a squirrel, crashed into a telephone pole and broke his arm then badly he needed surgery.

His reaction to each crash was a variant of mine. He'd taken up cycling almost v years agone because he'd injured his hamstring running. "With each wreck I thought, 'Maybe I should try running again,' " he said.

My running friend Claire Brown, a triathlete, crashed a few years ago when she was riding fast on wet roads, getting in i last training ride before a race. Her wheel slid on a metal plate in a bridge and she went downwards, hitting her head and her left hip. She was badly bruised, and fifty-fifty though she broke no bones, she did not feel comfy riding for the next ii years. Even now, she told me, "there are bridges around hither I won't ride on, and I definitely won't go downhill fast."

And even so, and yet. Despite how much it hurt, my collarbone fracture was nowhere near as bad as some running injuries. When I got a stress fracture — a hairline break — in a small bone in my foot, I was on crutches for eight weeks. When I finally could run once more, my foot injure because the muscles had atrophied. Running was slow and difficult. I'd lost the rhythm and the pace that make running fun.

With the collarbone fracture, I wore a sling for three weeks merely could take it off and ride my bike on my trainer — a device that turns a road bike into a stationary one — and apply an elliptical cantankerous-trainer. Afterwards four weeks I could run, and running felt practiced.

George Loewenstein, a professor of economics and psychology at Carnegie Mellon Academy, says in that location are several factors that separate running injuries from cycling ones.

Running injuries are often hidden — like a torn hamstring — and tend to heal gradually on their own. Bicycling injuries, he told me, "tend to be more than acute and dramatic — ofttimes in that location is claret or even bones sticking out," and "if it's a gory image, it tends to deter u.s.a.."

Then at that place's the issue of control. "Control makes a big deviation in whether we take risks," Dr. Loewenstein said. "With biking, yous experience in command until you have an accident. And then all all of a sudden yous realize yous are not in control. That tin have a dramatic event — you can shift abruptly from excessive daring to exaggerated caution."

With running, fifty-fifty though I realize that I and others who got injured could non have prevented our injuries, somehow I blamed myself. It was "overuse," even though overuse is apparent but in retrospect, as you cast about for a reason why you got injured.

Simply running is considered to behave less take chances than cycling. And, notes Barry Glassner, president of Lewis & Clark Higher in Portland, Ore., and an expert on fear and risk perception, "anything that is widely perceived as lower risk, nosotros blame ourselves when something goes wrong."

"It's known as the just world hypothesis," he said, "this notion that the world should be fair."

Dr. Glassner said "we get specially outraged" when the world is non fair, as with a cycling crash. Or, he noted, "we blame ourselves" for the injustice of it all, as with a running injury.

The hypothesis does permit some people go along a risky sport — by deciding that a serious accident was not really random.

"You see it with rock climbers," says Rob Coppolillo. "There volition be a fatality or someone volition really go hurt. There are those psychological backflips you tin can make yourself do. 'It won't happen to me.' "

And if yous accept an accident and you tin blame yourself for it, then you tin also convince yourself that information technology won't happen once again.

That's how Dr. Loewenstein reasoned when he crashed his bike terminal winter subsequently riding over a patch of ice. He ended upwards with a shoulder injury. He decided the whole matter was his fault and could have been avoided.

"I did non experience a loss of control," he said. "I just thought I had been stupid. Whereas if a car had striking me, information technology would have been unlike."

If that had happened, he said, he might accept vowed never to ride once more.


Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/30/health/nutrition/30best.html

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