Google Voice Continues to Ask Me to Link

If you've used Google Voice before or are thinking of getting used to the feature. It's good to know about Google Voice scams. This type of fraudulent activity can cause trouble for you and your Google Voice contacts. Therefore, it is important that you know what it is. It is also important how to prevent it and, if you become a victim of this scam, how to prevent it.

What is the Google Voice scam?

The Google Voice scam is a scam where your phone number is hijacked and a scam creates a Google Voice account in your name. They will then continue to defraud other people (legally, on your behalf) while they remain unavailable.

The scam is also known as the "Google Voice Code Verification" scam and can harass anyone who has publicly displayed their phone number on the Internet – for example, when posting an ad.

The fraudster will then contact the potential victim as if they were responding to the ad. The fraudster will then ask you (for one reason or another) to open a six-digit text message. Once you have shown the code – your number has been dialed.

Image of What is the Google Voice scam

Here's How Google Voice scam Works:

The user sends an ad to the Internet and includes his phone number.

Scammers contact a user using a given number and pretend to want to know more about the ad.

Then they ask the user to share a code sent to their phone (giving a false reason). The code is, in fact, sent to Google as a verification step to create a new account.

They will then use the verification code to complete creating a Google Voice account.

Here you can read more about Effuel Scam

The victim of the crime will probably never hear from the fraudsters again – but if they try to open a Google Voice account, they'll get the following message:

"Please note that the forwarding number (XXX) XXX-XXXX has been removed from your Google Voice account because it was claimed and verified by another Google Voice user.

If you still want this transfer number in your account and believe this was an error, please click here to learn more. "

Why are Google Voice scams still there? The short answer to this is because it is so easy to get started. Since people are accustomed to receiving verification codes, most of them do not see it as suspicious. The six-digit code is mainly used to complete the registration process – and Google Voice also uses it.

Summary: A Google Voice scam where "bad guys" get your six-digit Google Voice code and create a new account tied to your phone number. The intentions of the scam vary – but in any case, the course of best practice is to get your number back as soon as possible.

The Way Out

1: Creation of a Google Voice Account (if you have not already done so)

If you do not have a Google Voice account, create one so that no other account can be opened using your phone number.

2: Use a verification code from a different number

3: Retrieve Your Phone Number

Now, in the last part:

As soon as you log in to your account, click Enter another new phone or connected number.

Enter the stolen number for you.

You will receive a warning that this number is being used by another account.

You will then be asked if you would like to retrieve it: click Yes.

If you do not receive this warning, it may mean that the scams no longer use your phone number.

This is important. You need to use a different number from the one stolen from you. As an option, you can ask someone you know to lend their phone right away.


When you have it. The above three steps should help you to get rid of the Google Voice scam and ensure that your phone number is not used for malicious purposes.

So, what should be done? Another way to solve the problem would be to use a special browser protection tool. The tool will keep your browsers safe from unauthorized changes and will ensure that your online time is smooth, smart and unobtrusive.


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